Jean Duchamps

Jean Duchamps

અંગત માહિતીઓ

ઉંમર: 35
જન્મદિવસ: 10 મે

મારા વિષે:

I spend time with several people from different places of the world.

I like learning new cultures and the languages.

Moreover, since I am a trader, I should also learn some languages required for my profession.

Now, I need Persian and Deutsch in a limited time.

I am also trying to learn Hebrew but I am at the very beginning, at the alphabet stage!


હું નીચે દર્શાવેલી ભાષાઓ બોલી શકુ છુ:

હું શીખુ છુ:

  • જર્મન (જર્મની) | શરૂઆત
  • પર્ષિયન | શરૂઆત