Nunnaphat Tunnara

Nunnaphat Tunnara

અંગત માહિતીઓ

ઉંમર: 31
જન્મદિવસ: 30 ઓક્ટોબેર

મારા વિષે:

My name is Sky, I am Thailand I do not speak English well I want to speak English Communicate with others Now I'm looking for a friend to talk to me every day (if you're free), because now I'm planning to go to the US internship later this year (if I can communicate with anyone else). When I graduated, I was afraid I missed that opportunity. It was the only chance if I had a job in USA, I could work there. Because I want to find new experiences in your country.But my disadvantage is that i can not communicate in English can you help me?

I hop you will agree to become my teacher.

nice to meet you But if you are interested in learning Thai, I am willing to help you with my native tongue. And very pleased that you want to learn Thai

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