Yahya Mohameden

Yahya Mohameden

અંગત માહિતીઓ

ઉંમર: 36
જન્મદિવસ: 3 નવેંબર

મારા વિષે:

Hello world !

My name is Yahya Mohameden 28 old,

I believe in Object-relationship between languages and world peace ,my linguistic dream is ascending throne record in mastering languages ,my ambition was Imprisoned by health gladiator for years but now I am the new Maximus the world will be my Colosseum all the road lead to linguistic Rome

I like to learn about mosaic of cultures and civilizations

I am amateur languages, programming , Obsessed of aviation since the early age

I am native in Arabic intermediate in English upper beginner in French ,I will start learn German Greek as europphile, I will be thankful to one who give me help hand in languages,

I consider the world my home ,culture " my religion" and human my brother wherever virtue of origin (are all from Adam, and Adam is from dust)

I hope to watch the humanity unit according to World Peace

I speak Arabic, intuitively, I don’t pretend surrounding Arabic grammatical rules, even some surprise that when every time I correct to Arabic speakers without rules I speak and write , listen ,read Arabic perfectly so it's a pleasure to help the Arabic learner.


હું નીચે દર્શાવેલી ભાષાઓ બોલી શકુ છુ:

  • અરબિક | મૂળ
  • ફ્રેંચ (ફ્રાઁસ) | મધ્યમ સ્તર

હું શીખુ છુ:

  • અંગ્રેજી (સંયુકત રાજ્ય અમેરિકા) | મધ્યમ સ્તર
  • જર્મન (જર્મની) | શરૂઆત
  • ગ્રીક (ગ્રીસ) | શરૂઆત