Esther Blaauwwiekel

Esther Blaauwwiekel

અંગત માહિતીઓ

ઉંમર: 33
જન્મદિવસ: 15 માર્ચ

મારા વિષે:

My name is Esther and I live in Groningen, the Netherlands. For my studies International Business and Languages I lived in China and South Africa. I am fluent in Dutch and English. I learned the basics of Spanish, Mandarin and Zulu but would love to improve these languages. I am also fascinated about history and culture, so hopefully we can exchange our thoughts about this as well while practising our languages:)


હું નીચે દર્શાવેલી ભાષાઓ બોલી શકુ છુ:

હું શીખુ છુ:

  • સ્પૅનિશ (સ્પેઇન) | શરૂઆત
  • ચાઇનીસ (ચીન) | શરૂઆત
  • જ઼ૂલ્યૂ | શરૂઆત