Quoc Tu Dang

Quoc Tu Dang

અંગત માહિતીઓ

ઉંમર: 32
જન્મદિવસ: 8 ડિસેંબર

મારા વિષે:

Dear everyone,

I'm Tu. I'm an engineer of Hyundai-vinashin ship yard. I love English and now i'm trying to learn it. I'm twenty-five yearsold and until now I'm can not speak English fluently. I want to have some foreign friends who is want to learn english either. If you have chance to go to Vietnam or you're staying in Nha Trang city. Please tell me. May we have a meet in coffee shop? Nha Trang city is beautiful city and I can show it for you.

Thank you for you reading..... Hope you sent to me message.

Have nice day.


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