Irina Mihaila

Irina Mihaila

અંગત માહિતીઓ

ઉંમર: 25
જન્મદિવસ: 9 સેપ્ટેંબર

મારા વિષે:

Kind of a creative non-professional writer, willing to learn a few languages. So yes, my name is Irina, I am 16, I love music and tennis (Simona Halep Mania), and when I'm bored I paint, even if it looks dreadful. I forgot about shopping and fashion, so, wanna talk about shoes? Joking...Or maybe not. However, I am an open-minded offspring, no matter what your religion is, political stuff, orientation and so on so forth, don't hesitate to contact me. Be kind and caring and help me practise my English. Will you?


હું નીચે દર્શાવેલી ભાષાઓ બોલી શકુ છુ:

  • રોમેનિયન | મૂળ

હું શીખુ છુ: